
  1. 439.40 Ct. Natural Multi Color Pearl Strands Necklace

    Price:  $99.99

    Product ID: 805202571
    Product Name: Pearl Jewerly
    Price : $99.99
    Weight: 439.40
    Jewelry Size: 76 Inch / 4.5 x 4.5 x 3.3 To 8 Mm
    Shape: Round
    Color: Multi Color
    Clarity: Opaque
    Luster: Strong lridescent
    Origin: China
    Treatment: Unheated
    Crystal Structure: Orthorhombic
    Hardness: 2.5 - 4.5
    Specific Gravity: 2.68 - 2.85
    Refractive Index: 2.68 - 2.85
    Chemical: Calcium Carbonate with Water and Conchi